(a) Electrologists shall observe the following elements of environmental control:
(1) Each treatment room shall be kept lighted, ventilated, and free from dirt, dust, and contamination;
(2) Each treatment room shall be equipped with labeled containers, covered storage for supplies, a puncture-resistant sharps container labeled as a biohazard, and covered trash containers;
(3) Treatment table surfaces shall be made of materials that can be washed with detergents and treated with disinfectants;
(4) Treatment table surfaces shall be covered with newly laundered linens, new disposable paper drapes, or barrier before each client treatment;
(5) Headrests shall be covered with newly laundered linens, new disposable paper drapes, or barrier before each client treatment;
(6) Treatment table surfaces that may come in contact with bare skin during treatments shall be covered with newly laundered linens, new disposable paper drapes, or barrier;
(7) Containers for dispensing products, such as soap, alcohol hand-rubs, and treatment supplies shall be labeled;
(8) All treatment supplies shall be disposable or, if reusable, the supplies containers shall be cleaned and dried before being refilled with fresh products;
(9) Aseptic techniques for dispensing creams, lotions, ointments and antiseptics during treatment shall be followed;
(10) Manufacturer's recommendations for the use and disposal of products and containers when contaminated, or when expiration date is reached, shall be followed;
(11) Environmental surfaces that are touched during treatment, such as epilator needle holder and cords, epilator cart, magnification lamps, light devices and epilator controls shall be covered with a new protective disposable barrier before each treatment of a client or decontaminated after each treatment of a client, following manufacturer's instructions;
(12) Disposable items such as cotton, paper drapes and protective disposal barriers shall be stored in covered containers, closed cabinets, or drawers before use;
(13) Used disposable items shall be discarded into a covered trash container lined with a plastic bag that is tightly fastened when ready for disposal, and is disposed of daily into the trash, unless otherwise specified by State and local health regulations;
(14) Reusable items such as sheets, pillowcases, and towels that are used to cover the treatment table or as a client drape shall be stored in covered containers, closed cabinets, or drawers before use; and
(15) After use, reusable items shall be placed in a covered container labeled as "soiled laundry," laundered with detergent and water temperatures that will ensure cleaning and disinfection, and dried in a gas or electric clothes dryer.
(b) Electrologists shall observe the following elements of housekeeping:
(1) A low-level hospital-grade disinfectant registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shall be used for cleaning non-critical environmental surfaces such as epilator surfaces, magnifying lamps, epilator carts, floors, walls, door knobs, tabletops, and window sills that will only contact intact skin;
(2) All other environmental surfaces in the treatment room shall be cleaned with water and detergent using a hospital-grade disinfectant or detergent designed for general housekeeping purposes, as indicated on the product label;
(3) Countertops shall be of smooth, non-porous material and shall be cleaned daily in the areas where cleaning and sterilizing of instruments and items takes place;
(4) Sinks and toilet facilities shall be cleaned daily;
(5) Non-critical equipment, such as doorknobs, telephones, and treatment tables in the treatment room, shall be kept cleaned and disinfected;
(6) Floors cleaned weekly and carpets shall be vacuumed weekly or more often if necessary; and
(7) Walls, blinds, and curtains shall be cleaned when dirty or dusty.
History Note: Authority G.S. 88A-16;
Eff. December 1, 2010;
Readopted Eff. September 1, 2019;
Recodified from 21 NCAC 19 .0408 Eff. January 1, 2023.