NCAC Table of Contents
NCAC > Title 24 - Independent Agencies > Chapter 06 - Lottery Commission
Chapter 06 (consolidated)Lottery CommissionHTML | DOC
Subchapter AHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0101DefinitionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0102Scope and Application ofHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0103AuthorizationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0104Severability of ProvisionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0105Reservation of AuthorityHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0106Assignment of Duties andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0107Executive OrdersHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0108Technical Manuals andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0109Request for Variance orHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0110Effective Date of RulesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0111Commission Location andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0112PaymentHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0113Confidential MaterialsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0114Address RequirementsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0201Burden on ApplicantHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0202Opportunity to ParticipateHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0203Consultation BeforeHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0204Electronic Form ofHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0205All Applications areHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0206TimelinessHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0207Consideration of LateHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0208Authorization to ReviewHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0209Administrative SufficiencyHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0210ConsentHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0211Duty to UpdateHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0212Supplemental InformationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0213ApprovalHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0214Reapplication forHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0215Withdrawal of ApplicationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0216Authority to Retain andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0217HTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0218Conditional LicensureHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0219Reconsideration on Denial of a LicenseHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0220Duty to Maintain SuitabilityHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0221AttestationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0222Annual Review of LicensedHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0223License Period; RevocationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0224Renewal ApplicationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0225DenialHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0226Public RecordHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0227Duty to Report ChangeHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0228NotificationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0229License Assignment or TransferHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0230Termination of LicenseHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0231Closing of a Responsible Party's Operation; DissolutionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0232License DisplayHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0301Grounds for Disciplinary ActionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0302Informal ResolutionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0303Initiation of Disciplinary Hearing; Notice of HearingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0304Method of ServiceHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0305License SurrenderHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0306Representation of PartiesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0307Practice Before the CommissionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0308Ex Parte CommunicationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0309MotionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0310Postponement of HearingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0311Witness and Exhibit ListsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0312Burden of ProofHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0313EvidenceHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0314DepositionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0315Prehearing Conference and StipulationsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0316Official NoticeHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0317DiscoveryHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0318AffidavitsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0319Protection of Trade Secrets; Confidential InformationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0320Designation of Hearing OfficerHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0321Disqualification of CommissionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0322Hearing Officer ResponsibilitiesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0323ConsolidationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0324SeveranceHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0325Conduct of a HearingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0326Venue of a HearingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0327Failure to AppearHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0328Examination of WitnessesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0329Hearing Officer RecommendationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0330Sports Betting Committee DecisionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0331Appeal to the CommissionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0332Judicial ReviewHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0333Official RecordHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0334Request for Transcript of HearingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0335Summary SuspensionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0401Internal ControlsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0402Revisions to Internal ControlsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0403Emergency Revision to InternalHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0404Operator Remains UltimatelyHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0405Administrative and AccountingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0406Jobs CompendiumHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0407Information SecurityHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0408Information ProcessingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0409Reporting Requirements in theHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0410Accounting RecordsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0411Financial AuditsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0412Retention, Storage, and Destruction of RecordsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0413Reserve RequirementHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0414Risk Management FrameworkHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0415Taxation RequirementsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0416Bank Secrecy Act ComplianceHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0417Anti-Money Laundering MonitoringHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0418Integrity Monitoring and Suspicious BehaviorHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0419Data SecurityHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0420Personal Information SecurityHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0421DisputesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0422Prohibition of Credit ExtensionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0423Ineligible PersonsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0424Reporting Requirements Related to Ineligible PersonsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0425Wagering Reports of OperatorsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0426Access to Wagering Data and Records by Commission or theHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0427Independent Audit of Internal ControlsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0501Wagering RulesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0502Acceptance of WagersHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0503Promotional or Bonus WageringHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0601Responsible Gaming PlanHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0602VoluntaryHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0603Eligibility and Petition forHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0604involuntary exclusionHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0605Commission Maintenance of Exclusion ListsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0606Operator DutiesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0607Limitations on Use of Excluded Person's Data and PersonalHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0608Wagering Facilities and Excluded PersonsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0701Wagering Account RequirementsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0702Age and Identity VerificationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0703Limitation to One Account PerHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0704Terms and Conditions and PrivacyHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0705Responsible Gaming and ProblemHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0706Account AccessHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0707Financial TransactionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0708Account DepositsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0709Failed Electronic FundsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0710Account WithdrawalsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0711Account AdjustmentsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0712Account InformationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0713Responsible Gaming LimitsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0714Suspension and RestorationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0715Account ClosureHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0716Dormant AccountsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0717Test accountsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0801Wagering Facility LocationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0804Responsible Gaming andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0805Anonymous Wagers and PayoutsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0806Wagering WindowsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0807Wrong Ticket ClaimsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0808Acceptance of TipsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0809Wagering KiosksHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0810Drop and CountHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0811Winning Wagers andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0812Cashiers, Windows, andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0813Surveillance SystemHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0814WAGERING FacilityHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0815Controlled KeysHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0901Advertising and MarketingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0902Advertising to UnderageHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0903No Direct Advertising toHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0904Disclosure of Operator;HTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0905InformationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0906Limitation onHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0907False or MisleadingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0908Opt-Out from DirectHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06A .0909Retention of Advertising MaterialsHTML | DOC
Subchapter BHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0101DefinitionsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0102Incorporation byHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0201Sports Wagering OperatorHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0202Service ProviderHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0203Supplier LicensingHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0204Provisional Supplier LicenseHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0205Payment of License Application Fee; Expenses for Denied LicenseHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0206WrittenHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0207Written DesignationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0208Duties of the Operator and Service ProvidersHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0301Authorized andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0302Petition for aHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0303Limitations on CertainHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0304DataHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0305Cooperation withHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0306Contents of Wagering RulesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0307Canceled or Voided WagersHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0308Tournaments, Contests, andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0309Managing RiskHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0310Layoff WagersHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0311Exchange WageringHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0312Daily SummaryHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0401Sports Wagering StandardsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0402Testing,HTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0403IntegrationHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0404Change Management ProcessesHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0405Geolocation RequirementsHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0406Records of Sports WagersHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0407Location of Servers,HTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0408Integrity andHTML | DOC
24 NCAC 06B .0409Quarterly Vulnerability ScansHTML | DOC
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